Sentence-Level Error

When peer editing other’s work I have noticed that many people struggle with the use of commas. Some people use them too much or don’t use them at all. Commas are a tricky subject and I know that I am sometimes unsure about when to use them. Usually, when I read a sentence out loud and it sounds weird without a pause then I add a comma. I have also noticed that many people accidentally put two spaces after a sentence or don’t put the space in the right place when using a comma. Some people just write very quickly and when they read it over to themselves they don’t catch the small errors. I have a hard time knowing what my voice is when I am writing. I recently just edited a peer’s essay and her essay had such a clear tone of voice and it differently than you would typically see when writing an essay, but she made it work. When I am writing and reading in my head I have a certain voice that I can hear, but I feel like in comparison to others I do not have a strong tone with my writing. I would like to try to improve that and also try to make less sentence level spelling errors in my writing.